Gáspár Péter

IMG 9938 medium


Dr. Gáspár Péter


Végzettség, Fokozat

D.Sc. degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. degree from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, MSc in Mechanical Engineering


Biographical sketch

Péter Gáspár received both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 1985 and 1997, respectively, and the D.Sc. degree in control from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) in 2007. Since 1990 he has been a senior research fellow at the Systems and Control Laboratory (SCL), Computer and Automation Research Institute, HAS and since 2007 he has been a research advisor. He is Head of the Vehicle Dynamics and Control Research Group within SCL. He is also a full professor at the Control and Transport Automation Department, Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He is a member of IFAC Technical Committee on both the Automotive Control and the Transportation Systems. He is a co-author of 2 books on control theory. He has 52 journal papers, 4 book chapters and 176 papers in conference proceedings with more than 465 citations. His research interests include linear and nonlinear systems, robust control, multi-objective control, system identification and identification for control. His research and industrial works have involved mechanical systems, vehicle structures and vehicle control.








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Születési hely, idő






Munkahelyek és beosztás

Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Research advisor


Kutatási területek

modeling and robust control, vehicle dynamics and control

Fontosabb Projektek

Distributed driver assistance systems (2009); Electronic vehicles and vehicle control, Integrated control systems for vehicles (2004-2008); Motor controller developer project (2007-2008); Antiskid braking control system (2005-2007); Control of an industrial pressurizer (2005-2006); Dependability analysis of an electronic brake system (2004-2005); Fleet management systems (2001-2004); Reliability analysis of a reactor protection system (1996-1998); Diagnostic system for nuclear power plant(1991-1994)


Bolyai medal (2008), Bolyai János Research Scholarship(2004-2006, 1999-2000); Prize of the Computer and Automation Research Institute (1997, 2002, 2006)

Technical Committee
IFAC TC 7.1 on Automotive Control, IFAC TC 7.4 on Transportation systems

Editorial Board
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing by the Inderscience Publishers and Journal of Vehicle
Journal of Vehicle by the Columbia International Publishing


Oktatási tevékenység

Control Theory, Vehicle Dynamics and Control


KPA adatbázis


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